Post Impressionism
Post impressionism is a style that came in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s in France. It has both symbolic and abstract qualities to it. Defined often by dots of color and reducing subjects to basic shapes. There is often much less detail as compared with realism. You can define impressionism in some ways, in what it is not. All artists didn’t agree on what impressionism was.
Wikipedia notes, “abstract concerns of harmony and structural arrangement, in the work of all these artists, took precedence over naturalism”, 2019). One of the most prominent artists of that era was Van Gogh. Van Gogh impressionism is a well recognized style. It has muted colors and bold movement.
“Starry Night”, is a popular painting of Van Gogh’s. He created it a month before his release in an asylum. The swirling colors of painting from his memory. The swirling colors of painting from his memory.
Popular Paintings
Van Gogh had a troubled life in that he spend years in an asylm due to his mental health. He did eventually leave and begin painting the French country side. He created Wheatfield under Thunder Clouds in July 1880.
The same month as his death. A beautiful dark blue painting of fields. The blue represented sadness which he could only express through paint.
According to Wikipedia (2019), “van Gogh who fell into a coma and died at about one o’clock in the morning” (para. 26). His death was due to a self inflicted gunshot wound to his heart. Van Gogh’s impressionist style and balance of color intrigues me.
Modern re-creation
My re-creation of Starry Night is digital. So it is in a different medium. I used inspiration from the original painting and added in a UFO. Also you can see I used more brushes than Van Gogh. I used digital brushes in styles that are blending, a rake, spray and a smudgestick. Our styles differ greatly in choice of color. It is like the original in that there is a lot of movement in the brush strokes.

Take a look at my other art!
Wikipedia. (2019). Death of Vincent van Gogh. Retrieved from
Wikipedia. (2019). Post-Impressionism.
Retrieved from
Vggallery. (N. D.). Starry Night. Retrieved from